Pruning my image collection

I am pruning a large image collection, with pictures scattered across multiple directories.

I used fdupes to search for duplicates across multiple directories, with the aim of then looking at the results in an image viewer. I am a KDE user, so I started looking at my collections in Gwenview, but it really is appalling slow at loading raw files. Eventually I used Geeqie.

Several things:

Geeqie is lightning fast loading lots of raw files, which leads me to think it is using the GPU on my system, while Gwenview is not. I have no idea whether Gwenview can use the GPU, and there doesn’t seem to be any option to make it do so.

Can Gwenview use the GPU, and if it can, how do I make it do so?

I am running the latest version of OpenSuse Tumbleweed, and my system has an NVidia graphics card with OpenCL installed.

gwenview visualizes everything you are viewing in the application… so that’s going to slow things down.

if you want to work in the files directly rather than on a copy of them, i suggest apps such as gthumb or nomacs which don’t bother with the extra layer of abstraction

From discussions elsewhere, it sounds as though Gwenview is displaying the raw file, rather than using the embedded JPG. Hence the reason for it being so slow.

i still prefer working on the files directly without having to worry about if i “saved” what i’ve already done.

if i’m working on a single graphic or document then i’m fine with the “save” operation, but i don’t expect to have to do that while managing files… i expect delete to delete.

the gwenview workflow seems designed for a niche case that i’ve just never needed.