Today I got yet another “I can’t get my qt app use my gtk theme” ( although it’s well documented). So, on a live Openbox iso I’ll explain it really quick. First you’ll need two packages. 1) qt5ct, the gui settings manager for that stuff 2) qt5-style-plugins.
Then, you’ll need to add QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct to ~/.profile. You could also add this to /etc/environment and even .xinitrc. On this live I added it to the profile.
In the qt5ct manager you can set it to gtk. Qt apps ( for example audacious set to use qt, which you can tell by the docked albumart window, qimgv…etc…) will use the gtk colors.
However, certain qt apps, like for example Okular use an extra, namely color schemes. To make those work, you’ll have to make sure you have some plasma colorschemes in ~/local/share. You can then pick one in the Okular settings:
And you’ll have your gtk/qt colors in certain qt apps.