Random Play in Elisa

With the Foobar2000 music player, there is a random play button that when you press it starts playing any song from your music library, an ideal function for when you are not sure what music you want to listen to at that moment.

I think it would be nice if Elisa also had a shuffle button like the one in Foobar2000 and that depending on what you were seeing on the music player screen, it would play for example a music album from the beginning of that album, or a song random if you are within an album, or a random song if you are within a label.

i think elisa should have shuffle too, but what you are asking for is a playlist and elisa already does that.

you can drag any amount of music from you library to the right panel and it will shuffle among that selection… if you want to shuffle ALL your music you need select all from the library and drag that over to the right window.

when i think of a shuffle function, i think it just starts playing a random song from the library, no pre-selection or dragging of music to create playlist required.-

when i think of a shuffle function, i think it just starts playing a random song from the library, no pre-selection or dragging of music to create playlist required.

Yes, that’s the idea of Foobar2000, but maybe Elisa can have more options.

You can do this!

  1. Click “Shuffle” button in the toolbar to turn on playlist shuffle mode
  2. Click “Tracks” in the sidebar
  3. Click play button in the toolbar to add all songs to the playlist, shuffled