Remap keys on plasma 6 wayland

Is there a system GUI tool (or just qt tool) to remap keys in Plasma 6? For example, remap CTRL+PgUp to ALT+E (switch to the next tab)? I know there is a way to remap in the settings, but it doesn’t seem to work for Firefox and other non-KDE apps. I know about input-remapper, but I would prefer an official tool or method.

That kind of remapping require lower level than wayland/plasma as I know.

I use keyd for remap and very reliable. Config syntax is very easy.




# Maps capslock to escape when pressed and control when held.
capslock = overload(control, esc)
control = overload(control, esc)
# shift for toggle terminal(yakuake) that mapped F1 key
shift = overload(shift, f1)

Can you please help me with remapping alt+e to ctrl+pgup?




e = C-pageup

looks like working. If it does not work, ask to project.

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It works, thank you. It’s sad that there is no graphical interface

This keyd works nice for American keyboards but it is really difficult to configure for a Spanish keyboard. Nonetheless, I was able the current mapping I was looking for in one of the files provided in the package.