Problem is more so that KDE does convert the F13 key into “Tools” key or maybe “XF86Tools” internally, as well other F13+ keys become Launch1, Launch2 and whatever Open Email. It’s very misleading instead of saying F13, F14 etc. I just want them to bind to F13-24, not Tools, Launch, Browser, VolumeDown etc.
Where is the config file that determines that key is for “Tools”. I want to dismantle that connection and define my own. I have tried looking around but I just can’t find anything. Makes me think that these are maybe hardcoded somewhere. Is there even a place where you can remap keys in KWin Wayland? Making shortcuts is different.
Under Input Devices → Keyboard → Advanced there is option like
But I’m lost how to even start using this or if it even solves the issue. And isn’t this X11 thing and not Wayland thing?