Remove the height restriction in plasma web browser widget?

Today I was trying to set a count down (a website) in my desktop using the web browser widget. I noticed that there is a height restriction on it which kind of forced me to increase the width of the widget also (which surprisingly have lower limit than height). I would appreciate if the height restriction is removed/lowered.

Thanks in advance

Hi! Would it be possible to share a screenshot of what you’re running into? I just tried adding a Web Browser widget to my desktop, and was able to stretch it vertically to (almost) the entire height of the desktop without making it any wider than the minimum:

I was not talking about the maxmimun height but the minimum height. I wanter a smaller landscape view but i was unable to reduce the height.

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Ah, I see what you mean now - that could make sense then as a feature request for the Web Browser component of plasmashell :slight_smile:

The community guide for submitting feature requests (and bugs) in KDE software can walk you through the process, and is located here: Get Involved/Issue Reporting - KDE Community Wiki

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Meanwhile, try with a Firefox ‘pop-out’ window.

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Well i have a very important exam comming up. As per my understanding, filing this myself would add a responsiblity on me. Also i dont have a bugzilla account at present. Thus i request if somebody else could uphold it to the developers.
(As i dont want to annoy them by not replying to their questions and other things).

The method mentioned by @ben2talk is probably the fastest way to get what you’re looking for in the short-term, in that case. That could be paired with the ability to right-click the title bar, and choose to keep that window above or below others, to get pretty much the behavior you’re looking for, I imagine.

Whenever you have the time and are ready, putting together well-crafted feature requests and bug reports is one way to contribute to the almost entirely volunteer KDE community that works to make free software like Plasma available to all who want and need it :slight_smile:


For sure, it’s an attractive option to have a window on the desktop - it’d be worth making a report and getting into a conversation about why the size is limited (for example, the widget can’t go fully to the edges, that’s probably because of the sizing handles or something…

But not having a minimum size is less logical.

BTW - the Firefox Pop-out - you can also remove the decoration to make it blend more.

You can allow it to be smaller by manually changing the values of switchWidth and switchHeight in /usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.webbrowser/contents/ui/main.qml

PlasmoidItem {
    id: root

    switchWidth: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 16
    switchHeight: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 23

switchHeight and switchWidth specify the minimum height/width at which the widget will switch to the fullRepresentation (the full “popup” view of the widget), in this case the one with the webview.

The reason these numbers aren’t smaller is probably to keep the widget usable for users that use it in a thick panel, a smaller number would allow the widget to switch to the full representation at smaller panel thickness, resulting in a very small unreadable webview instead of the comfortable resizable popup.

Due to the type of content maybe it could make sense to make these sizes configurable?