Renaming tracks

Is it currently possible to rename audio and video tracks, or are track names more or less permanent?

Yes, you can: see this section in the Kdenlive Manual.

The tracks will keep their numbers (V1, A2, etc.) but will show the name you gave them in the track name field.

Oh, that’s where the info is. I was searching for terms like “track” and “rename”, and apparently overlooking the Track Header section. Oops.

Anyways, it appears that there may currently be a track height requirement for track name visibility. My height was 45, and it looks like 65 is the minimum if you have track names and want to show them.


Assuming I’m not still missing something, it strikes me that a few things could help with this (listed in order of likely complexity):

  1. Add some text to the existing doc section that says something like, “Note: in order to have track names be visible in your project, a minimum track height of 65 is required.”
  2. Add similar text to Configure → Timeline → Default track height
  3. Tweak the UI just enough to make at least a hint of the track titles visible when the height is <65, even if they may not be legible, just to make it obvious that a given track has a title.

Be happy to suggest these things as one or more feature requests. Also, thanks again for the quick response!