This is the part that’s bothering me now. I had to come back to it.
I can’t reproduce it at all. Even if I deliberately cut at non-zero crossings, I clearly see it, like I honestly expected I immediately would in your wav. I can’t identify anything like that in yours, and I should, because they don’t disappear by magic and you didn’t do it by hand.
It is smack dab in the middle of a kick drum and a stack of other sounds which doesn’t help. It’s really hard to tell if anything I look at is part of the music, something to do with editing like not cutting on beats or zero crossings, some processing that hasn’t been mentioned, an actual bug, or what…
I do know that if I just cut somewhere vaguely on-beat and off-zero, it’s obvious; likewise, no combination of cutting that music on- or off-beat or on- or off-zero-crossing, can cause it to make that noise (or any unexpected sound). Compared to your recording and description, each of these things makes no sense, and together, they’re downright confusing.
It seems like yours isn’t cut on-beat, though. It seems like you cut it some distance in front of that kick drum (before which there is some sound playing, we have no idea what the sound is, so that might very well be what we are hearing). Either that, or the noise doesn’t occur inbetween parts as described, but well-before the end of the first part.
For your reference:
On the left:
Start of the audio glitch you’re hearing
End of that glitch
Start of the beat
(note: gaps between them all.)
(Not pictured: where, exactly, is the join?)
On the right:
A join at a non-zero crossing in a clip of mine
(like that which you supposedly have at least one of in your clip where that glitch is, and I can’t see it)
Forgive me if I’m mistaken about this, I’m trying to ascertain a near-infinite level of detail if the source material and the actions taken on it, from a few words and a picture, so I may be getting things twisted. It sure seems like you have multiple problems here - which would explain why you’re having trouble explaining ‘the’ problem even to a dev and to ron who clearly knows stuff about this. We’ve found at least one problem and probably another really big one, but still nothing that should explain intermittent behaviour aside from the bug Eugen mentioned and that wasn’t it because the workaround doesn’t work. So it seems you have three problems. So far.
If you want to clear it up more, you could show the two separate clips, separately (so we know what each separate part of the music sounded like before they were joined and glitched at the join, and then it’s possible to identify the glitch, and the join, too), you could show how it sounds when it doesn’t do this (in OP you said it sounds different sometimes; again this helps identify what sound is what), and you could show what happens when you do it with a sine wave in place of the music (to isolate the glitch itself from the content). I understand that might be fiddly so I’m trying to do sound with words and pictures for you.
One more thing before I stop talking your ear off: nobody’s asked yet - is this just this project, or do you see it with other projects doing the same thing?
NGL I just wanted to know what the heck a “rip” was meant to be so the other lads here could continue to figure it out with you, but I’ve kicked the hornet’s nest