Separate desktop effects speed from touchpad speed when using gestures on wayland

I like fast moving cursor when using touchpad, this is why I always increase it’s speed in system settings. Unfortunately this makes all touchpad gesture effects (switching desktops, overview effect etc.) be very quick which doesn’t give nice feedback while the animations are almost instant. I think it would be nice to separate effects speed from toucpad speed or at least give some option for separating it.

Pointer speed (“acceleration”) adjustments are made on a libinput level, it is unexpected that it would affect gestures too. I think you can report that as an issue at Issues · libinput / libinput · GitLab

The same laptop, on Gnome (Wayland) there’s no such issue. I set up touchpad pointer speed to the highest but gestures animations are smooth and not affected by the change. So it seems that it’s not a libinput but kwin/plasma issue.

Huh, there is an unaccelerated version of the gesture event getters. backends/libinput: don't apply pointer acceleration to touchpad gestures (!6189) · Merge requests · Plasma / KWin · GitLab

Idk why the accelerated ones exist, but that MR should fix it

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