Smb4k auto-mounts any inaccessible folder (ex. shortcuts to folders on Windows) inside the folder you told it to mount

I’m using git version currently. Had issue on stable also.

I mount a share on a windows machine to access user profile folders (\\jwin\Users).

It mounts that correctly.

Inside that folder is a folder for “Default User”. I do not have permissions to read it. It is a Windows shortcut that seems to not have a destination.

Inside my user folder there are several other folders like that one (Application Data, Cookies, Local Settings, My Documents, NetHood, Send To, Start Menu, Templates, etc.)

It appears that as soon as any of these folders are opened/statted, the system tries to mount them.

I’m not sure if this is a bug, or a “feature” that can be turned off in smb4k? It doesn’t appear to me to be smb4k that’s doing it, because I can close smb4k after mounting the main folder and when I access folders in dolphin, the shortcuts still get mounted.

I see now, after some playing on the command line, that this is not smb4k’s doing, but mount.cifs. Even if I mount the share at the command line, I get this behavior and it doesn’t seem to be documented anywhere, nor do any of my attempts at mount options seem to affect it. GPT says cifs on Linux doesn’t have any type of auto-mounting capabilities where it will act like that, but it definitely happens to me. All those inaccessible shortcuts get mounted and show up in mounts.