Special setting for listening audio

On MAJARO, I’m using KDE Plasma and am am extremely satisfied with the setup for my work.
Now I’ve got the idea of a different setup, just for listening audio (almost related to EnergySettings):

  • Time for darkening the screen should be shorter,
  • Time until switch off the screen should be shorter,
  • Switch session to standby mode should be DISabled.
  • If possible, this setup should be default for certain days of the week time periods.

I thought, this could be done by an activity: Created it, named it “ListenAudio” with shortcut CTRL-Y. This works, but I could not find the solution for different EnergySettings.

Any guidance more than welcome!


activities does not yet support all of the KDE user settings, instead only a handful such as background image, etc.

it may eventually support all aspects, but for now, the only way to achieve what you are thinking is to create a separate user

settings > users > add new

there you can customize the environment to your liking and whenever you want to just listen to music without distraction, you can logout and log back in as this other user.

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