
Good whatever time it is there,

I’m new to KMyMoney [KMM]. I’m using v.5.1.3 on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS.

My wife has used Quicken 2005 for keeping track of our finances. I imported the .QIF file with no issues. Everything is there.

On Quicken, she uses split-transactions to parse out her paycheck to different categories. Each time she inputs her paycheck data the fields on the split-transactions are automatically there. In KMM they aren’t. In previous deposits they are. When putting in a new paycheck I had to [tried only once] manually put each category in. KMM took the data and saved the category fields. When I went to put another paycheck in the fields were not there. I looked in ‘Settings” and other places but couldn’t find an option to set up the split-transactions automatically.

Is there a way to have those fields automatically populate the split-transactions screen or do those categories need to be manually put in each time?


Once you have a few of those pay check transactions entered, I would expect KMyMoney to match to one of them when you enter a new one, but I do admit I still don’t fully understand when that does and doesn’t happen. I’ve gone a long time without it offering to match a new transaction to an old one, but recently had a new transaction it wouldn’t let me enter without displaying a list of possibly matching transactions and making me pick one of them to match.

Another option, probably a better idea, is to set up your paycheck as a Scheduled Transaction. That way, you define the transaction (and all it’s splits) and have it entered every month or every four weeks or whatever the timing is for you. Other than that,

Thanks Ostroffjh,

After I told my wife I got a reply and it mentioning using a Scheduled Transaction she said…“oh, that’s what I do in Quicken.” Well, thanks a lot dear. I wish she would have told me that earlier!

Anyway, thank your for your quick reply. I will ‘play around’ with the scheduling aspect as see how that turns out.

Alan <><

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