For my daily work I’m using GNOME and happy with it.
I want to take a look to the new KDE, I’ve read a lot about good and interesting things about Plasma 6.
I wanted to see the integration of Kmail (and canlendar) to the desktop (“similar” to GNOME Evolution).
I tried to configure Kmail, but I don’t get mails shown in my Incomming Mailbox, but mails in the subfolders are shown.
Configuring Thunderbird (on KDE) worked as I expected, but I didn’t get the calendar “connected” to the tray calender widget.
BTW, with 1&1 and IONOS I currently have a total of 8 IMAP e-Mail accounts active with KMail.
And, I have 3 local folders – the main local folder has 2.6 GiB of local e-Mail – dating back to 2001 …
And, I have archived e-Mail dating back to 1999 – family matters …
I’ve briefly looked at other e-Mail clients but KMail has been my default e-Mail client since SuSE Linux 8.1– 2002 – the e-Mail pre-2002 was via MS Windows and the T-Online client offered at that time …
Thanks for the answer. I double checked it and for me it looks the same.
Same issue in Merkuro Mail.
I installed Thunderbird, configured it and it loaded/showed all mails.
Last year I tried KDE on an old machine and Kmail could receive my mails.
After the mega release I installed it in a VM and on an old system again. Now I didn’t get it to work.
Please note the ArchWiki point that, KWallet will only open the “kdewallet” automatically at login if, the Wallet is encrypted with Blowfish and, the password is the same as the user’s login password.
Then, it could be a specific Plasma 6 KMail issue with T-Online.
Sorry, but, you’ll have to raise a KDE Bug Report to get this resolved – <>
You’ll also have to include a Network Trace – Install “Wireshark”; add yourself to the “wireshark” group; start Wireshark and begin monitoring the box’s network interface; refresh the T-Online IMAP Inbox and check the network trace.
You’ll probably have to filter the network traffic to only show the relevant handshaking between the KMail client and T-Online.
And, your issue with Calender synchronisation – with the KDE Plasma Kontact suite, “KOrganizer” –
> [Kmail does not access directory with emails in new system](
This looks like “my” issue.
But I’ll raise a bug report.
In other words, the first local mail directory KMail creates (the directory numbered “0”) is ‘~/.local/share/local-mail’ – in the KMail user interface, that directory is named “Local Folders” / »Lokale Ordner« …
In addition, once the disk block assignment for that directory has reached a re-determined size, an additional “hidden” local directory is created and, all local e-Mail files are moved to that new directory – ‘~/.local/share/’ …
For my case, the Akonadi Maildir resources 1 and 2 are local resources I’ve created in addition to the “Local Folders” resource.
In computing, in general, when counting, the counting often begins with the integer “0”.
Your issue may be IMAP “Server-side subscription” – right-click on the IMAP object above the inbox – in your case „Imap (” – and choose “Server-side subscriptions” »„Serverseitiges Abonement …”« –
Make sure that, everything is selected – including the Inbox itself and the sub-folders …
Press the “Check for new mail on the server(s)” – »„Nach E_Mail sehen”« – button.