Taskbar settings, trouble getting it right

i have installed kubuntu 22.04 LTS on a new system.
I tried to get a miniprogram (plasmoid?) in the taskbar, it is there but i have very much room between the “miniprograms” and i do not see the programs i started anymore.

Is there some manual/documentation how to adjust the setting for the taskbar? I have been working for years now with kubuntu but alway had trouble getting the settings for the taskbar right.

Even a return to default settings would help.

Kind regards,

right click on the task bar itself and choose enter edit mode… this puts you into edit mode for that particular panel, not just the desktop.

i learned they by trial an error.

as you hover over each plasmoid you will see drag arrows and some slight shading appear.

that’s your cue that you can drag those plasmoids around or even remove them from the taskbar panel.

also when you enter edit mode this way it will show you the panel menu were you can add/remove spacers as well as set it to justify all the plasmoids to either end or center from the more options menu.

Thank you skyfishgoo

I found it comparing with the notebook that i have installed with Kubuntu.
In german it is called “Fensterleiste nur mit Symbolen” as i am dutch originally i sometimes have trouble understanding the way germans translate english.

It is working now as i wanted it to work.


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