The __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia environment variable can cause logging in to a Wayland session to fail

Hi !
I’m not sure where I should post this, but I’ve experienced and solved what looks like a recent bug touching my opensuse Tumbleweed installation.

I did a zypper dup saturday 01/18 which installed the 550.144.03-30.1 version of nvidia G06 driver. After rebooting, I have not been able to start plasma wayland with my default user (SDDM → black screen for a few seconds → SDDM).

But Gnome wayland was working seemlessy, and plasma X11 too. The other weird behaviour was that I was able to launch plasma wayland for any new user I could create. But deleting all plasma configuration files for my main user didn’t change anything.

After having tried many options, I finally found that I was able to launch a plasma session after deleting the .profile file and all the /run/user processes for this user. Trying to fine-tune this solution, I’ve found 2 lines in .profile, that I might have added a long time ago while fine-tuning my wayland installation (that’s old…) :
export GBM_BACKEND=nvidia-drm

Putting a # before the second one solved the problem. Any attempt to get it back caused the bug again.

So it looks like something between plasma and this nvidia driver (and maybe only the opensuse Package) have stopped handling correctly the GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME

I could track this as a bug but I’m not really able to diagnose more and I’m not sure if i belongs to plasma, nvidia or opensuse… Maybe someone here will be able to test it and tell me ?

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Hi lc_lol.

I’m on Tumbleweed here.

What are you trying to achieve by setting this variable? It seems like if you added it and it broke stuff, then you shouldn’t add it :wink:

I had it in my profile too, and it caused problems too, so I removed it (not related to your update, this was a long time ago).

Hi pallaswept :slight_smile:

Thanks for your kind answear.

I’ve got rid of these variables, can’t remember how and why they were put there (certainly by myself, but that was almost three years ago). The only info about it in my .profile file is a comment saying “# Tweaks mostly from: [archlinux wiki page about wayland]

Glad to see they’re not useful anymore. I also posted because I thought that someone could get the same problem. Maybe this post will help them solving it :slight_smile:


Thanks for sharing! Just to check, is there anything on that issue where you’d be looking for a further solution at this point? If not, I can shift this topic over to the Tips and Tricks category here, where I think folks will more easily find this advice and take advantage of it :slight_smile:

Hi johnandmegh :slight_smile:

I still have to restore some of the config files I moved while trying to diagnose this, and still didn’t come back to my normal usage, but so far I’ve got no bug tied to the deletion of this parameter.

So yes, you’d better put this in tips and tricks, I’ll add some additional advices there if needed.

Thanks again :slight_smile:

This was exactly my experience too

# # For Wayland HW accel via Arch wiki


We did actually need it for a while there.
PS thx johnandmegh

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