The KStars project releases version 3.7.0 of the app for education and astronomy aficionados🪐🌠

Apart from it’s inbuilt planetarium, KStars 3.7.0 helps you improve the focus of your astrophotography, adds features that match the simulated view and what you see through your telescope, improves comparing multiple images, and makes scheduling your observations easier.


This looks cool and surprisingly the first time I’ve heard of it. Going to add it to my list of programs to try after I do a system update, just waiting for the total solar eclipse stream to finish before I do.


It’s a KDE classic. It’s been around for years.

Yer it surprised me when I looked at the version number and thought how did I miss this, must have been too busy playing around with some of the other great programs from KDE

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Just got it, I think this is going to keep me busy for a while

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KStars is amazing. Definitely worth a look for anyone with an interest in astronomy, let alone a telescope. Though it has advanced features to control sophisticated computerized telescopes, the app is great for plebs like me with a little manual telescope too.


This is the first time I know about this project. It turns out that kde is so great.


[kstars 3.7.3] Is there any to have a sky atlas+ altitude (elevation) of an object vs time chart, without having to open the specific tool and search for objects? i think about a tool that integrates what to see tonight+elevation charts. thanks