This Week in KDE Apps: Mobile context menus - KDE Blogs

Welcome to a new issue of "This Week in KDE Apps"! Every week we cover as much as possible of what's happening in the world of KDE apps. This week we cover the two last weeks as due to the holidays there wasn't a post last week.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Such great stuff! Those new mobile bottom-drawer-style menus look great.


@ThisWeekInKDEApps, “Displays” should be “Display”.

Should there be a KdenLive heading for this? It currently comes under the KDE Connect section.

Although accurate, per the undermentioned, such an announcement may be premature:

All of these would be better suited in a patch, instead of here.


@redstrate, solely one of my sentences is a correction. Irrespective, where? I’ve found locating the source markup for these newsletters to be difficult, because although it’s presumably in content/posts · ded19d0c5af95752227e3d4535037ee8e8a2e400 · Websites / Contributor Blogs · GitLab, which subdirectory is it?

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@ngraham, thanks. However, when I attempt to edit it, I seem to hit Web Edit Causing Commits to Fail as "File with this name doesn't exist" (#410935) · Issues · / GitLab · GitLab. I’ll try to remember to submit the changes when that’s fixed, unless anyone knows of a workaround.

Interestingly, this does have a KDenLive heading in the source markup, but it isn’t rendered here. Gosh knows what the problem there is.

Just use the git command line or a GUI client; these are much more reliable than the Gitlab web interface.


Is it possible to place any items in this element, not just menu items?

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Yes, there is two ways to do that. Either use a Kirigami.Action with a custom diplayComponent if you just want to replace a row with a custom delegate.

The other option is to use the lower level component: BottomDrawer and but completely custom content inside it.


Thanks, I’ll try to put what I need there)