This Week in KDE Apps: Usability, accessibility, and supercharging the Fediverse - KDE Blogs

Welcome to a new issue of "This Week in KDE Apps"! Every week we cover as much as possible of what's happening in the world of KDE apps.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

My personal highlight this week: When manually adding items to the Places panel, the current location’s custom icon is pre-populated in the icon field, and the item will now be created globally by default, so it appears in other apps’ Places panels as well.
Thank you very much, Nate :ok_hand:

You’re welcome!

If you and Carl agree, I wouldn’t mind figuring out a way to get my German version in here somewhat automagically

I realized that “This Week in KDE Apps” posts are not on RSS feed and I missed some of them. Can they be added ?

They are on RSS, just not in the author feed because otherwise we get duplicated posts on . See This Week in KDE Apps on KDE Blogs :slight_smile:

Same for Plasma: This Week in Plasma on KDE Blogs


Having a German translations is easy, it just requires putting a file next to this one content/posts/twika/2025-01-19/ · master · Websites / Contributor Blogs · GitLab

But not sure we want machine translated translations

Didn’t know that. Thanks!

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Sounds good. I’ll see what I can do.
Unfortunatedly, since my stroke translating manually and typing long texts single-handely is not an option any more.
Of course, I’m proof-reading and fine-tuning every translation which you can see for yourself on my blog with multiple years of track record.