This week in KDE: autoscrolling

You can now turn on the “autoscrolling” feature of the Libinput driver, which lets you scroll on any scrollable view by holding down the middle button of your mouse and moving the whole mouse (Evgeniy Chesnokov, Plasma 6.2.0. Link)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Autoscroll has been one of those things that have left me feeling more comfortable on windows… So so very happy!

Now, I just have to convince someone to make the “window settings?” menu to open with alt-space so the shortcuts I have memorized (alt-space-c is a 2 finger way to close a window quickly on windows)

That specific item is called “Window Operations Menu” and can be configured from the shortcuts systemsettigs. In the ‘kwin’ section.

Do note that alt-space is by default assigned to krunner, but so are a bunch of other ones so you can just press “OK” when KDE asks you to replace.

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I finally have KDE 6.3.3 installed, and I see the option is called Press Middle Mouse button and move mouse to scroll. I didn’t notice any different behavior…

Middle mouse is often Paste in Unix, so Libreoffice uses it as paste. and the browsers do their own things.

It didn’t do anything in chrome… but Firefox has this setting in about:config and I can edit the launcher for chrome and give the command line option --enable-blink-features=MiddleClickAutoscroll

It complains, but now I nearly set for KDE Plasma Domination.

Funny thing, in Plasma 6.3.3 in Virtualbox, it didn’t work the first time. I have done this setting before on other computers. I even hit apply.

I tried again and it worked. It appears that the apply just removed the shortcut from krunner without applying it to kwin.

Alt-Space C is the best hack for closing windows ( I used to be a document scanner QA person, so I had to open so many windows and close them quickly, alt-space c was a one finger way to close windows quickly.