Hi, I’m using kde neon for a while as a daily driver on office PC and at home pc too. I love it because it is snap-free, ubuntu based, so everything works without much fiddling and the most important thing it has kde desktop, which suits me most and is very fast even on older pc.
I wake on lan my office pc from an openwrt router, I ssh there and do what I need. I’m always using screen (or tmux), because when connection dies, I can reattach where I left, or I can detach when I want and continue later.
But I can’t with neon 6.2 (latest updates), because it terminates tmux or screen whenever I exit ssh
As long as I’m connected with ssh, screen / tmux runs, I can reattach, see it in processes, but when I exit, everything is gone.
I have experienced this ill behaviour also on kubuntu 24.04. I have been using my office pc this way with kubuntu 22.04 for almost 3 years and on opensuse with kde long before. It must be something with new kde, because screen on ubuntu server 24.04 works as expected too. Someone knows what can be the catch?
Thank you.
Edit: steps to reproduce
- pres ctrl+alt+f3 to get to text console
- login to tty
- screen
- ping
- press ctrl + a, d to detach
- press ctrl+alt+f1 to return to kde gui
- run konsole
- ps ax | grep [p]ing # should show pid of running ping
- ctrl + alt + f3 # swith to tty again
- exit # logout from tty
- pres ctrl + alt + f1 to return to kde gui
- in konsole run again [8] but ping is gone now
On a “normal” linux system ping stays running and you can screen -r (to resume to that screen) even from gui terminal, sadly not on kde neon and not on kubuntu 24.04 
Tried this on 2 different PCs with vanilla neon install.
Hi! Do you have a line in ~/.bash_logout
that’s calling the executable /usr/bin/clear_console
? Does the issue persist if you comment that out?
Hi and thank you for good idea. I commented out the whole if… clear_console …fi and the issue still persists 
Today I tried to install kubuntu 24.04.1 on a different ssd and screen works as expected. But I remember my brother’s laptop with kubuntu 24.04 and there was this very same issue. I don’t know whether the issue still persists there or it was fixed with some upgrade, but he doesn’t need to use screen/tmux and I can’t test it with him right now.
I’d like to provide cooperation, because this is a dealbreaker for me, but it is easily reproducible, so if someone would be interested to fix that, I’d be very happy. Neon is so beautiful, but tomorrow I will have to replace my office pc with kubuntu, which is sad. At home I can live with neon without screen for a while.
It might be worth asking around in general Linux communities as well - how CLI tools like screen
or tmux
work is almost certainly based on distribution-level packaging/default configuration decisions, downstream of where most KDE software (other than Neon’s KDE-specific packaging) resides.
It might be helpful to compare user profile / shell config files between a system with the behavior you want (sounds like the Ubuntu Server setup you mentioned) and the one you want to use, to see what differences exist, and which ones might be relevant to CLI tools like that?
Hi, I’m unable to reproduce this on any other distro than KDE neon, I tested screen on a few distros I have around on different devices - opensuse leap, mx linux, even void, which is quite different (no systemd, musl instead of glibc, etc), so asking elsewhere would not help me I think.
It looks like only kde neon behaves unexpectedly. I can reproduce it also on neon live dvd. So I guess I’ll have to figure out how to fill out a bug report and hope some of the devs will kindly investigate that.
I installed Kubuntu 24.04.1 on my office pc too and screen works as expected out of the box, but it is not a good solution, I’d really prefer to use kde neon over kubuntu. Screen is a crucial component, when doing updates remotely over ssh.