Tool for generating a KDE color scheme from an image?

Have a pretty cool wallpaper and want to theme my system off it, but all the tools I can find for creating a color scheme in KDE were last updated during the tail end of the Plasma 5 era. Do those still work or would I have to roll my own?

GPick, KColorchooser - grab colours and keep them, then edit the colour scheme (copy to a new name, then edit yourself).

There’s a nice plasmoid for grabbing colours too - forget the name right now… Add widget - search ‘color pick’ or something like that.

However, with changing wallpapers - you can go with less saturation in colour scheme, then use the HINT to apply wallpaper colours:

Maybe GitHub - luisbocanegra/kde-material-you-colors: Automatic color scheme generator from your wallpaper for KDE Plasma powered by Material You ?

Interesting topic. I’d have to try some of the suggestions.

have you tried this?