Turn off shake to find pointer? Please help; I'm dying here! (Solved)

Upgraded to plasma 6.1 today and apparently, shaking my mouse pointer about the screen all the time is a feature of my spicy neurotype and/or ADHD, so every few seconds the mouse pointer is ballooning to a giant, pixelated state. Is there a way to turn off the feature that enlarges the pointer when you shake the mouse? Resisting the urge to shake about my cursor makes me feel like like I’m ignoring an itch - it’s absolutely driving me nuts.


I found the answer on reddit! For anyone else unfortunate enough to be in my situation:

Uncheck System Settings → Accessibility → Shake Cursor → “Share cursor to find it”


I am surprised people struggle with this. It was my favorite feature of 6.0 (yes it was in 6.0, but was just made a default in 6.1)


Strange, I don’t have that setting in 6.1 Neon…

It’s sorely missing in my 6.0.5.

I don’t have this setting under 6.1 either…

Are you on Wayland? It doesn’t work on X11.

I can confirm, it does work for me under Wayland, but not under X11.

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I’m on X11, I have graphical glitches with X-Plane under Wayland.

I like the feature but with the recent update every time I shake the cursor now it disappears.

That is fixed alread in Kwin
Your next update should have it

If you are having different issues than in the original thread please create a new one instead of posting in the old thread. Thanks.
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