If any of the Falkon.org web team happen to see this, there are some issues with the English language webpage. Corrections are in brackets ().
Privacy and security features enabled by default
Falkon cares a lot about the security of your data and ship(needs an s) with an ads (s is not needed) blocker enabled by default as well as a password manager. Additional configurations allows(s is not needed) you to improve even more (bad placement) your security and privacy (add even more here instead)(missing period)
Customize your experience
Falkon support(needs an s) theming so that you can choose how your browser looks. Multiple extensions are also available to help you make (redundant) Falkon adapt to you. (better: …extensions are available to help Falkon adapt to your needs.)
Integrated inside Plasma (better: Full Plasma Integration)
Falkon integrates inside Plasma and follows Plasma theming preferences. (better: Falkon is fully integrated within Plasma and…)
Open Source
Falkon is Open Source and you can browse, edit and share the source code. Falkon is made by KDE, a community building high-quality projects that your (drop the R) are free to use. Check out all our projects!
If anybody has a better way to contact the web dev, I am open to suggestions.