Updating face region and rating metadata automatically

Hi, I’m confused why it seems like tag metadata updating can happen automatically, but face regions and ratings must be updated manually.

  • If I label a face region, the file metadata is not updated automatically. Instead, I have to go to Item → “Write Metadata to selected files” to update it. Adding a tag, on the other hand, prompts the user for a metadata update, and there’s a setting for the updates to happen automatically.
  • Ratings are not automatically updated on digiKam after external metadata updating, unlike for tags. Item → “Reread Metadata from Selected Files” must be used manually to obtain ratings.

Also, I’m wondering why running Maintenance → “Sync Metadata and Database” updates the last modified time on all files with the setting “Update file modification timestamp when files are modified” rather than just the files with updated metadata. Is there a way to get this behavior? Updating it for all files causes my backup tool to resend all files.