Using a foreign Keyboard on KDE Wayland

Sooo, I have the lucky situation that my Laptop is from England, while I am german.

This is my keyboard:

And this is what I need:

Now how do I do that?

  1. In Systemsettings go to “Keyboard” and enable “custom layout”.
  2. Find the correct layouts you want (the “preview” feature is very useful) and set both first and second language

Make sure “OSD on layout switching” is enabled.

Now you need a key you can use for switching… I never use CapsLock so I do this:

  • Under “advanced” I set “Capslock” to “disabled”
  • Down in “Switch to different layout” I set “use Capslock key”.

This now allows me to use the useless capslock key to easily switch between English and German.

I am curious about the “use custom XKB type” setting. It seemed to break the Capslock switch. Are there any templates or documentation on how to use them?
