Using Print Screen key for spectacle without intercepting command

Sorry if this is in the wrong place but I don’t know if it’s Fedora (41), if it’s KDE or Spectacle. I noticed when I set a valid screenshot folder for Final Fantasy XIV that the game didn’t respond to pressing the Print Screen key, I tried unbinding the key in game and attempting to rebind it just to see if it was that but it wouldn’t bind, only when I removed the bind from Spectacle would the game register the keypress.

While I have spectacle configured to save screenshots to a folder, I would prefer the command to noticed by Spectacle without being intercepted by the system so that games respond to it. Is there a way to do that?

Hi - just to be clear about what you’re looking to do, are you trying to have the Print Screen key simultaneously:

  • Act as a global shortcut, launching Spectacle
  • Act as a regular key in your application

That’s exactly what I’m trying to do.

Ah - I’m not aware of any user-configurable way to do that via the built-in settings.

Others might know differently or have better ideas, but maybe this is a use case for input remapping? Theoretically you could assign one key to screenshots in Plasma, a different key to whatever action you want in the game, and then remap Print Screen to send both of those commands, one right after the other?