Hi all!
I’ve noticed a design inconsistency in KDE Plasma (returning after early days of version 5 and boy is it better! Awesome to use.)
Meta+Alt+Scroll cycles through virtual desktops regardless of whether an app or UI element is focused. Scrolling up with this keybind goes forward through virtual desktops, and scrolling down goes backwards. I prefer the inverse, but that’s neither here nor there. The UX issue comes in when scrolling on the Pager widget to cycle through virtual desktops. Scrolling down on the pager goes forward, and scrolling up goes backward; the exact opposite of Meta+Alt+Scroll’s behaviour!
Per the issue reporting procedure over in the “Get Involved” wiki (I can’t share links unfortunately), I’ve opted to post on the forum about this to see:
- If anyone else has noticed this, and if they have a workaround/solution?
- Failing the above, if you think requesting a “scrolling cycle direction” feature would be worth looking into.
Obviously a very minor issue, even perhaps up to preference, but I am curious to hear your thoughts.
Please let me know if I should clarify anything.
Thank you for taking the time to read this!