UX/UI: Mousewheel Zoom

Ctrl-Mouswheel for Zoom does neither seem to zoom into the playback marker position nor the mouse cursor position. In fact i couldnt understand what the Zoom target is, maybe the “middle of the displayed timeline”?

I hadn’t noticed, or maybe hadn’t remembered, you could do that - I usually mousewheel on the zoom slider - but ctrl-mousewheel in the timeline fairly evidently zooms on the mouse pointer as far as it can before one of the edges of the timeline stop that being ‘central’ at the level of zoom you’re changing to. Which seems natural enough? Are you seeing something different to that?

Typically programs with timelines (NLE, DAW, etc) take the playback head as the center of a zoom.

Perhaps this is something to be configurable, but I like it that the mouse pointer is used as the center of the zoom. I may have scrolled the timeline to an area I need to look into, so a zoom that centers on the playhead moves the focus away from the area I want to investigate.

Most DAW, NLE etc. have a a zoom tool for that purpose. I think KDEnlive has as well?

I find it very convenient if the loupe tool has both a single click to zoom in on the mouse pointer position and click-drag lasso, to zoom in on a specific area.

And that’s the way it works if you mousewheel on the zoom slider (which you can do one-handed! : )

It seems reasonable that a ctrl-override with the pointer at some specific place in the timeline would zoom on what you’re pointing to instead - that’s actually something I’ve often been wanting - because it’s sometimes annoying to have to be flicking the timeline cursor back and forth just to quickly grab something from early in the timeline to copy to a later position.

I suspect I’ll use this a lot now I’m aware of it.