WACOM tablet KCM "startup service" implementation and usability problem

Good afternoon every one.
I’m gonna try to be concise, but I am not a coder, so please help me out.

This is a problem to a very specific set of people. It is not exactly a functioning problem, but it is a problem derived from the type of implementation it has on the system.
I am talking about this guy: link-> (invent dot kde dot org/plasma/wacomtablet) and a problem I am trying to solve, but i could not figure out how.

1st: - System is RedHat 9.5, x11, KDE-Plasma 5.27.
2nd: - The KCM_wacom is working perfectly fine as it was intended to, I suppose, with all my settings and mapping perfectly fine.

So what follows?
I use a very specific set of applications and they use to “handle” the wacom tablets by their own means. ( I don’t know how… and that actually does not matter). But this behavior causes the “Wacom Tablet” service handled by the KCM_wacom to stop working. Somehow these apps “kill/overwrite” the KCM service.

So, every time I close\quit those applications I have to manually go to “System Settings > Startup and Shutdown > Background Services > Startup Services” and manually restart the “Wacom Tablet” there.

Well than, what to do? I am trying to make a script that monitors my applications and automatically restart this module everytime I quit these apps. But it is simple impossible to find what triggers this action: “System Settings > Startup and Shutdown > Background Services > Startup Services > Wacom Tablet”.

For short: I am trying to build a script that automatically click this button

everytime I close these problematic apps; but i can’t find anywhere in the system the file that represents this button. It simple does not exist. There is absolutely no wacom in the services (systemctl list-unit-files --type=service).
What is this button “under the hood”??
Any help? Please…
Tx in advance.