WARNING /!\ No more backups with plasma 6

Warning for those who upgraded to plasma 6, kup backups are disabled.
And it seems it cannot benn re-enabled with qt6 :

aegir@aegir-system:~$ sudo apt-file update && apt-file find kcm_kup
Réception de :1 file:/var/lib/preinstalled-pool jammy InRelease
Ign :1 file:/var/lib/preinstalled-pool jammy InRelease
Réception de :2 file:/var/lib/preinstalled-pool jammy Release [3 949 B]
Réception de :2 file:/var/lib/preinstalled-pool jammy Release [3 949 B]
Atteint :3 https://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb stable InRelease
Réception de :4 Index of /user jammy InRelease [189 kB]
Atteint :6 Steam for Linux - launcher stable InRelease
Atteint :7 Index of /mozillateam/ppa/ubuntu jammy InRelease
Atteint :8 https://download.cudo.org/repo/apt stable InRelease
Atteint :9 Index of /ubuntu jammy InRelease
Réception de :10 Index of /ubuntu jammy-security InRelease [110 kB]
Réception de :11 Index of /ubuntu jammy-updates InRelease [119 kB]
Réception de :12 Index of /ubuntu jammy-security amd64 Contents (deb) [85,2 MB]
Réception de :13 Index of /ubuntu jammy-updates i386 Contents (deb) [41,2 MB]
Réception de :14 Index of /ubuntu jammy-updates amd64 Contents (deb) [88,7 MB]
Réception de :15 Index of /ubuntu jammy-security i386 Contents (deb) [39,1 MB]
255 Mo réceptionnés en 25s (10,1 Mo/s)
Lecture des listes de paquets… Fait
Construction de l’arbre des dépendances… Fait
Lecture des informations d’état… Fait
Tous les paquets sont à jour.
W: file:/var/lib/preinstalled-pool/dists/jammy/Release.gpg: Key is stored in legacy trusted.gpg keyring (/etc/apt/trusted.gpg), see the DEPRECATION section in apt-key(8) for details.
kup-backup: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/kcm_kup.so
kup-backup: /usr/share/kservices5/kcm_kup.desktop


They shouldn’t be disabled, or rather all four of my plans still ram as scheduled after I upgraded. I just can’t access the settings for them, etc, or easily access the browser tool.

However, the program packaging does need to be rebuilt to use Plasma 6 libraries. That hasn’t happened for User yet, but is there in the Experimental repo, so hopefully we can get it soon.

They are disabled here. The file bupindex is timestamped 27/02/2024 22:37 so no backup have been launched since 2 days.

Since this night update, backups are running again (but still cannot be configured in kcmshell).

Since I updated to Plasma 6, the entry for the backups in the taskbar is gone. There also isn’t any “Backup” section in the settings, searching for it also doesn’t reveal anything.
I checked with pkcon which shows that I have these packages installed:

Installiert     kup-backup-0.9.1-1+22.04+jammy+release+build4.amd64 (auto:user_jammy-jammy-main)        backup tool for KDE's Plasma desktop
Installiert     kup-backup-0.9.1-1+22.04+jammy+release+build4.amd64 (auto:user_jammy-jammy-main)        backup tool for KDE's Plasma desktop
Installiert     kup-backup-0.9.1-1+22.04+jammy+release+build4.amd64 (auto:user_jammy-jammy-main)        backup tool for KDE's Plasma desktop

Is there anything I’m missing here? Or is it just a bug that the backups are “gone” now?

You didn’t miss anything.

You can access your old backups by launching “kup-filedigger”

If new backups are not running anymore, I advice install Cronopete ( Cronopete ) which is lightweight and efficient.
My kup backups are running again since last update/fix.

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Okay, I hope it will get fixed soon.
Thank’s for your help!

@Herve_Lefebvre Have you reported this bug to the developers?

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No because there is no bug.

There is just no plasma6 kcm_kup, so you cannot configure/reconfigure kup backups.

Before the fix, my backups wasn’t running (but for @claydoh they were still running ). But since friday fix, they are running again.

BTW with plasma 5, I suspect that when I switch i18n from french to EN, backups were not running anymore until I switched back to french. But I didn’t check enough to make a bug report.

If there is something missing that should normally be there, I consider this a bug. And even if it isn’t if we properly report this to the developers, the chance of it getting fixed (sooner) increases. I will open a bug report.

I wonder if the miissing “kcm_kup” as you say, is a packaging issue. What distro are you on? (from your logs I suspect Kubuntu or Neon?)


It is missing a kf6/Plasma 6 build that would provide a System Settings 6 configurations module. Not sure if this means waiting for Kup to have a new official release supporting it, or neon pulling from git and building a package from that.

And having said that, I spy updated kf6 packages dated from today for it in neon’s experimental repo, so a working version may be on its way soon.

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This needs someone to finish the Qt6 port for kup. See 482015 – Kup system tray icon and settings module missing on Plasma 6


As I’ve not coded anything since KDE 1&2 I won’t do it :smiley:

Furthermore, I tried to search over the net some infos about kup configuration files but I didn’t find anything (I even do not know where they are saved on my computer).

I probably didn’t search well, but if there were at least a clean doc about that, myself or some other could at least quickly hack a PyQT script to configure kup.

So are there any news about the reintegration of Kup in Plasma 6?

I didnt’t see anything.

I think the developer(s) needs to get it to the point that they can make a new official release. Things are being worked on:

It works great for me, built from current git pulls.

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How does one compile and install it to work with plasma6? I tried using the QT version flag in neon developer system and it didn´t work. There is no kcm settings section for backup and the plasmoid is empty once placed

I build it on User. Developer’s Plasma etc may be too “ahead” if you will, maybe?


What errors do you see, exactly? There are some extra dependencies for this from the ones in the list on the readme, but I can’t recall what they are. The errors should help with that.

Like @Herve_Lefebvre I can see backups being taken according to a schedule defined before the Plasma 5 to Plasma 6 upgrade. But I cannot figure out where this schedule is stored. Does any one of you have an idea?

BTW, my backup plan configured with KDE 5 is still running with KDE 6.

BUT it seems that, with both KDE 5 or 6, according to what I saw, I think that ANY modification of locales (i.e. changing my KDE-UI from french to english) disable backup plan. Switching again from english tio french enable it again.

But : No way to configure backups with KDE 6, and IMHO this is a major flaw.
