[wayland] KWin crashes when I Alt+Tab

As mentioned the fallback is automatic - outside your control.

I noticed because I have a login startup job that checks the X11 compositor, which can also fallback to software. The job raises a notification. I’m not sure checking the compositor will always catch SceneGraphBackend=software, but I’ve now added a check for that too. Here’s the script I’m currently using:

#set -x
# Wait for desktop to settle down
sleep 30

compositor_enabled=$(qdbus-qt5 org.kde.KWin /Compositor org.kde.kwin.Compositing.active)

if [ "$compositor_enabled" != "true" ]
     notify-send -a "Check Compositor" -t 0 -i dialog-error.png 'Hardware -> Display and Monitor -> Compositor is disabled!'

if grep -q 'SceneGraphBackend=software' ~/.config/kdeglobals
     notify-send -a "Check kdeglobals"  -t 0 -i dialog-error.png 'Warning ~/.config/kdeglobals SceneGraphBackend=software'