The symptoms between these two patients are very similar, so we can conclude our diagnosis of this illness. And in the bug report it’s alleged that even cure is found…
So, my question is: When a bug status is RESOLVED UPSTREAM, when is this medicine available at the market - or at the nearest local pharmacy?
Seems that in Plasma 5.27.10 this decease was still in full force.
RESOLVED UPSTREAM unfortunately doesn’t imply that a bug is actually fixed on the upstream side ( => the amdgpu driver) – it merely states that as far as it is known this is a bug in a software component outside of KDE, and it is “resolved” in that sense that when the problem is somewhere upstream, that means there is (hopefully!) nothing that needs to be done on the KDE side to fix the bug.
Can’t tell whether it is likely that this will get fixed in the amdgpu driver – seems I didn’t report it upstream back then, likely because I got new hardware where this bug doesn’t affect me anymore.
But you could file a report here, and refer to the report on the KDE bug tracker: