Weather widget: sunrise and sunset for today

How difficult might it be to add the sunrise and sunset rows into the Details of the Weather widget?


I regularly check these times, maybe other users also do. Quite useful if you’d like to estimate whether you’ll get back before sunset from a walk, etc.

The default provider BBC Weather has these values. The widget canvas also has free estate.

Might be a pretty low hanging fruit and a very nice feature at the same time.

This doesn’t even need an online backend, we have code that computes those times based on the location. So this is purely a matter of displaying that (see e.g. KWeather’s code for that: src/qml/SunriseCard.qml · master · Utilities / KWeather · GitLab).

Not sure I got this right ­— do you mean there’s already an implementation for sunrise and sunset, specifically in the default Plasma weather widget?..

If so, how do I, as a user, use it?