Does anyone know when the update for version 24.05.2 will be released? I am eagerly waiting for it because the AVfilters are not working (problems with MLT).
KDE Gear 24.05.2 (of which kdenlive is part of) was released July 4, 2024:
And 24.08 was just released.
In doubt, you can check you the wike Schedules - KDE Community Wiki
Like Meven said 24.08 is already released.
Rolling distris like Arch are already on 24.08. If you use a LTS distri you need to ask them.
I’m not looking for version 24.05.2, which I have on Manjaro, which unfortunately has quite a few bugs.
I’ve just tried version 24.08 as a flatpak. But, to my great disappointment, this update has unfortunately not corrected the two errors: The AVFilters still don’t work and the mono wav files are only played back in the left channel. It is probably an MLT problem after all.
Have you reported your issues to the bug tracker?
I vaguely remember your issue with the Mono audio. You linked to a forum post where someone said its fixed. Can you ask them to link to the PR that fixes the issue? Is that in MLT or Openshot?
Hello @Duha
Thank you for your commitment. I have just tried version 24.11.70: AVFilter still does not work, but a mono wave file is now played back correctly on both channels (as before).
Yes, I reported the bug several weeks ago and JBM wrote something to the effect that it would be fixed soon. But unfortunately it is not.
I have just updated the bug report:
Did you try the appimage, which was reported to include the MLT commit that was supposed to fix things?
The new MLT version was actually just released yesterday, so perhaps when this is updated in the flatpak, things will hopefully be fixed.
Hello Clay,
yes, with AppImages the mono wav file is played back correctly on both channels, but unfortunately the AVFilters still don’t work. And AppImages has the major limitation that I cannot integrate Steve Harrie’s swh-plugins. This important plugin is already integrated in flatpak. And it is found in the installed version if it is installed at Manjaro. Thank you for your thoughts about my worries. I just have to be patient, so far all problems have been solved by Kdenlive at some point.
Does anyone know how to integrate plugins into a flatpak? I’m interested in the caps (LADSPA C* Audio Plugin Suite). If I could do that, then I would have everything I need until the official version of Kdenlive runs flawlessly again.
Found out how to install caps (The LADSPA C* Audio Pllugin Suite) so that the Kdenlive flatpak can access it:
Install CAPS on Linux | Flathub
flatpak install flathub org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.CAPS