Why is kde-connect not as fast as syncthing?

Normally I used Kdeconnect to wirelessly copy folders from my Android to PC both connected to same 6ghz connection , kdeconnect transfers mutiple files at average of 10-20mbps but syncthing is able to sync at the speed of 100+mbps

Can anyone give any insight on why kdeconnect is slower than syncthing ?

I think this has changed recently and my guess is explicit rate limiting.

I copy a rather large backup file from my phone to my PC once a week and that used to nearly completely saturate the connection.

I.e. other inbound connections on the PC like YouTube would start to lag and buffer.

For a couple of weeks this has no longer been the case.

My guess is that some users who ran int this might have complained and developers reacted by implementing some sort of bandwidth cap.

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Adding an option to disable rate limiting in kdeconnect mobile apps would be nice

This is mostly a guess but yes, if there is a limit, some option might be doable.

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