WiFi password storage options and plasma-settings?

Hi. I have a few different devices running plasma-mobile.

I have noticed that running systemsettings that in Network, Connections, WiFi that in each connection there is a tab called Wi-Fi security and underneath the Password box I can select “Store password for this user only (encrypted)”, which results in a prompt for wallet every time I login or select that network, “Store password for all users (not encrypted)”, which doesn’t, and “Ask for this password every time”, which sounds very annoying :slight_smile:

I also notice that running plasma-settings that I can select WiFi then against each WiFi network there is a little icon that looks like sliders and is obviously the settings for that connection. Clicking that gets me to a place where I can set the SSID, Security type, Password and IP settings, but crucially, no choice on how the password is stored.

This wouldn’t matter (or rather, doesn’t much) on a larger screened device, but, I notice on my Fairphone 5 running PostmarketOS, that, plasma-settings is quite usable on a small mobile screen, whilst systemsettings is a bit of a nightmare.

Also having two programs doing more or less the same thing but with slightly different options is a bit confusing for an inexperienced user.

So am I missing something? Has this been fixed in a later version that I don’t have? Or should I be asking for this in a feature request?

I have no idea what version of plasma-settings PostmarketOS is running, but it says that the KDE Plasma version is 6.2.4

thanks for any thoughts.