Wireless mouse battery % : showing up in Debian 12 but not in MX Linux Libretto ? [KDE 5.27.5]

(When clicking the battery icon/applet on the taskbar) You guys know why is that so?

Also, when clicking the network icon on the taskbar, I noticed cinnamon(=~gnome) packaged with debian 12 has it more precise than KDE, as it display the signal intensity in % (instead of the 3~4 bars usually seen on the wifi icon). Is there a way for me to ditch the KDE network manager and get the gnome/cinnamon one on KDE ? (until the KDE one catches up)

up (this is me upping the post as it hasn’t be replied and platform requires 20chars)

Perhaps this is a question more suited for your distribution’s forum, MX Linux (https://forum.mxlinux.org/)…

Good idea thanks, just had a try. It seems that they use exactly the same backend as the debian forum, which is as screwed up, as they won’t let me register in there too…

I really wish KDE experts could give me a hint…

By the way I posted here too :

  • reddit dot com /r/debian/comments/1bw5965/debian_12_vs_mx_linux_kde/
  • reddit dot com /r/kde/comments/1bwfy55/wireless_mouse_battery_showing_up_in_debian_12/
  • reddit dot com /r/antiXLinux/comments/1bwfel2/ways_to_flawlessly_integrate_mxtools_to_debian/

without luck …