Workaround to unmute the master audio mix after saving in Kdenlive 24.05.2 (fixed in later Kdenlive versions)

Hi Kdenlive team,

NOTE: This bug has been reported (Bug id 489985) and FIXED. Until it is corrected in the next release… here is a workaround

As I had to multitask on one system, I have to mute kdenlive while editing sometimes. so that… it wont interfere with Audio recording done by my friend on the 2nd Monitor. In this process I found a Bug in 23.04.3. But after finding the latest version (24.05.2) I wanted to check before reporting here. I can confirm even 24.05.2 too is having this same bug. Looks like it went unnoticed for some reason, maybe no one never mute Master while editing. Below are the details.

By the way I am using Standalone version of the software on Windows 11 Pro.

If we mute Master in Audio Mixer and save the project without unmuting and close the Kdenlive… There is noway to unmute Master after reopening the project

I had to open .kdenlive in a different editor and delete the Mute state of the master and save it back, to unmute it. please check the below image…

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Just open any project and click on the mute for Master in Audio mixer.
  2. Save the file and close Kdenlive.
  3. Start Kdenlive and open the .kdenlive file.
  4. In the Audio Mixer it doesn’t show as muted and there is no way to unmute it.
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Hi, and welcome to the forum and community.

Thanks for pointing this bug out and even finding a solution :+1:
However, this is not the place to report bugs. Please open a new bug report in the official bug tracker, or via Kdenlive Menu > Help > Report Bug. The more details you provide the easier it is for the dev team to home in on the bug and fix it. Thanks!


Thanks. I tried my best to describe and report.
Bug id 489985

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@kumar The Bug get fixed already. Please set this tread to “fixed”.

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Sorry, I am new to these. Please help me to set this thread to “fixed.” If you are talking about bug tracker, then it is already marked as fixed.