Wrapping from VirtualDesktop2 to VirtualDesktop3 using rightSwipe

I want to reach virtual desktop 3 from virtual desktop 2 using a right swipe. Currently, a right swipe works from virtual desktop 1 to virtual desktop 2, but I need to swipe down to go to virtual desktop 3 or virtual desktop 4 from virtual desktop 1 and virtual desktop 2 respectively.

Hi! It looks like you have your virtual desktops set up in two different rows, so they’re behaving as a 2x2 grid.

If you head to the System Settings > Window Management > Virtual Desktops section, you can set the number of rows to 1 if you wish - that way, all desktops would appear and could be navigated in a single straight left-to-right line:

yes, I know they are in 2x2 grid… cant i get the same behaviour while being on the same structure?

Ah - if you’re looking to have a multi-row grid arrangement, but with all-horizontal gestures to switch between them, then that doesn’t appear to be available currently. There is an open issue on the KDE Bugtracking System on that topic, though: 461399 – In overview effect, Virtual Desktops are shown as flattened arrangement, but spatial arrangement is preserved from the perspective of using the touchpad switching gestures