I think LIM and global menu applet are mutially exclusive. Of course you can have both on your desktop but it would be redundant.
I mean: I found some apps do not correctly serve the global menu; or at least I remember reading that not all of them expose their menu. I would use just one of them at a time, but if some work is done to provide LIM and apps are encouraged to make this work, I suppose this would benefit the global menu too.
All GTK apps don’t support global menu, currently.
Is it because they are not exposing the menu to the system in a standard way?
Not true, all gtk2 and 3 support global menu on X11 (or Xwayland).
They do via dbus. The problem is Wayland. If you run a gtk app with Xwayland the global menu works fine.
LIM and appmenu applet are both based on the same dbusappmenu interface, so if an app expose its menu, it works both on LIM and globalmenu.
Well I have a Wayland centric viewpoint, sorry 424485 – GDbus-DBusMenu-Proxy does not work for GTK Wayland apps
This means that if the improvement you requested (Locally Integrated Menu and krunner-appmenu: an offer) gets done, it will benefit both LIM and global menu. That’s what I was trying to understand. Thank you
material-decoration with LIM has been upgraded to Plasma 6.3.
Plasma 6.3 has broken compatibility with the LIM.
LIM relied on the windowId() method of KDecoration2::decoratedClient, which is now unavailable in KDecoration3::decoratedWindow.
To replace it, we rely on the internal API of KWin::X11Window, in the hope that the KDE developers will stop making their Desktop Enviroment progressively incompatible with X11.