Locally Integrated Menu and krunner-appmenu: an offer

Hi Devs!

I am writing because I am willing to pay to implement the following two functions:

Locally Integrated Menu: menu integrated into the window decoration as in Zren’s material-kwin-decoration (see link below). I ask that it be integrated into kwin/kdecoration so that it is available for any decoration.

krunner-appmenu: plugin for krunner that searches inside the application menu. Currently there is a plugin working quite well but only for X11.

Here is a topic on the subject with links to two projects that currently only work on X11 A bit of Unity in KDE: Locally integrated menu and Hud.

Both functions should be implemented for both X11 and Wayland.

My budget is $ 100 for LIM and $ 30 for krunner-appmenu, to be donated to KDE.

I hope other people can integrate my offer.



I’ll throw in another 100 bucks for Locally Integrated Menu support on Wayland :+1:


50 euro from me.

are any bounty sites preferred?

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are any bounty sites preferred?

Doesn’t particularly matter to me, anything reputable works.

Raising my bounty contribution to US$400, to the developer(s) for a Wayland implementation of Locally Integrated Menus.

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I would be happy to pitch in US$250 for this.



I’ll add 100€ to have this.


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We are at about $1000 now!

@ngraham could give some love to this feature request or suggest someone who could ( Artem Grinev )?

I fear for that to work correctly the global menu support has to work on Wayland first.

See here:


4 years ago… still “open”. At this speed Wayland will be feature-pair with X in only 20 years.

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If I understand the item correctly then the issue is with GTK applications.

So these things could be implemented and would be available for all applications that already have the necessary support.
Which seems to be all Qt based ones.

ok but the merge request is on Wayland, not GTK.

Yes, that is necessary to get menus of GTK applications to appear.

The phrasing of the item suggest that it already works for Qt base ones.

So decoration and KRunner support could be implemented and would work for those apps.

There will always be applications that don’t support “global menu” because their toolkits do not.

GTK2 Menu appears in global menu, even in Wayland

Cool, then even this part is solved and should work with the deocration integration and runner plugin :+1:

It’s not solved. GTK3 doesnt work

The point is: there are applications for which gobal menu works, so any implementation that uses the same infrastructure either for the in-decoration menu or krunner plugin will work for the same applications.

I.e. implementation of the “receiving” end of the menu data is not blocked by some “senders” needing more work.


Gimp 2 works because it uses Xwayland (gtk2 is not avaiable on Wayland).

For those interested, in my repository I updated @zren’s decoration. Thanks to @nicman23 it works on Plasma 6 and I fixed the bug with Libreoffice.

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So do I have to use your repo if I want this? I’ll kick in $50 if this gets pushed in to Kubuntu

yes, you should build it from source.