… or I also could have called this post “sleepless nights in Germany” instead.
→ Test one: KDE neon with KDE Plasma 6.0.3, Frameworks 6.0.0, Gear 24.02.1, Qt 6.6.2 and X11
→ Test two: Arch with KDE Plasma 6.0.3, Frameworks 6.0.0, Gear 24.02.1, Qt 6.6.2 and X11
→ Test three: openSUSE Tumbleweed with KDE Plasma 6.0.3, Frameworks 6.0.0, Gear 24.02.1, Qt 6.6.3 and X11
→ Tested both on “real metal” with AMD iGPU and in VMs.
Most of them I would consider “15-minute Plasma bugs”:
- Plasma Panel
The gap between floating Plasma Panels (the new default!) and windows of contained widgets is too big most of the time (twice as big compared to the gap between a floating panel and the edge of the screen?).
Examples with too big of a gap: Application Launcher, System Tray, Digital Clock, Weather Report, Calculator widget, Dictionary widget.
Examples with correct gap: mouse over information, Folder View widget (the latter only has a correct gap when you log out and in again…)
See these screenshots: Gaps -
Configure Panel → Height: individually setting the height (“Custom”) in a vertical panel does not work properly.
The rulers to do so are partially not displayed and the panel “snaps” to the middle - which is not the middle if there is (respectively in relation to) an additional single horizontal panel, e.g. when using the vertical panel as a dock replacement.
Sometimes rulers are not shown at all (I think when the panel size exceeds a certain width/height - this could be related to Bug # 483847) -
Configure Panel → Alignment: setting the alignment to “Centre” for a vertical Plasma Panel leads to overlapping panels, if additional horizontal panels are present.
This might be the intended behaviour, BUT:
the setting “Center” does not take another, single horizontal panel into account (or vice versa), therefore does not “center” the panel in relation.
Plasma Panel / Individual Core Usage widget
The Individual Core Usage widget is more or less blank when used in a vertical Plasma Panel that is (in my case) narrower than about 300 pixels. This worked in Plasma 5.27.
On the contrary the Memory Usage, Hard Disk Activity and Network Speed widgets are fully displayed even in vertical panels as narrow as about 240 pixels. -
Plasma Panel / Plasmoid Icons
Some icons are “missing” like the coloured ones for the Trash or the Folder View widgets when used inside of a panel.
It seems that the “…-symbolic” icons only are used instead.
See theses screenshots: Icons -
Grid View and Overview
System Settings → Input & Output → Mouse & Touchpad → Screen Edges: Grid View is missing as an option (one can only use/activate it with a key shortcut…).
Reported by @seancolsen here: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=482235
→ Will be fixed in Plasma 6.1 - thanks! -
Overview does not work with virtual desktops in a grid (e.g. 2x2 or 3x3): no virtual desktops at all are displayed at the top then. It worked in Plasma 5.27.
A bug report exists here: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=475077 -
Design flaw both in Grid View and Overview: exaggeratedly rounded corners that cannot be found anywhere else in KDE Plasma 6.
A standard rounding from other Plasma elements for the corners like e.g. the ones in the floating Plasma Panel or in applications like Dolphin should be used for a professional overall look/more consistency.
See these (“old” but still valid) screenshots: Corners
Yakuake ( / Plasma Panel? )
The upper half of the first line is missing when used with a floating top panel.
See these screenshots: Missing -
SDDM ( / System Settings? )
SDDM 0.21 seems to ignore the cursor theme setting
[Theme] CursorTheme=name_of_the_cursor_theme
when it was changed by
→ System Settings → Appearance & Style → Colors & Themes → Login Screen (SDDM) → Apply Plasma Settings
It could be related to Bug #484238 -
System Settings
The labelling has a logical error (sorry @ngraham): to use “Internet” as a heading for network stuff is unfortunate - network is not always internet, but internet is a sub-category of network (or a pool of connected networks).
IMHO the heading should have simply stayed “Network” or as a compromise should have been renamed to “Network & Internet”…
Other than that (and some adversenesses probably mainly due to packaging/configuration errors in KDE neon’s first Plasma 6.0.0 release):
Good job!
Thank you!
Well done!
updated 2024-03-30