Regardless of whether you are working on making shorts with your mates, features or corporate ads, online or TV shows or music videos, we want to see and promote them all!
We are building a showreel made up of clips from projects edited with Kdenlive. We aim to encourage more artists to move beyond expensive, closed systems to a free way of making movies.
If I were working in the film industry, I would definitely be making a movie, but my critical thinking isn’t that strong. Can you tell me how I can become a good artist?
I have been using Kdenlive exclusively for my art for over three years: Videosophie.
I have now made over 100 short videos with Kdenlive. But on my channel I only ever show a small selection of my work. Since language is a very essential element of my art, my videos make little sense for those who don’t understand German, unfortunately. Here is the link: Videosophie - tchncs
Engage with literature, painting, photography and film - in other words, with art, with everything that has quality and let it have an effect on you. Don’t let up. Just do what really interests you, as intensively as possible.
If you are diligent, you could well see yourself becoming an artist in a few decades’ time.
The secret of art lies hidden deep within ourselves. It is probably helpful to become aware of which works by which artists appeal to us the most. But then you have to be very careful not to start imitating. The important thing is to recognize the inner urge within you and follow it. And then act on it.
All my YouTube videos were edited in Kdenlive: I do educational content covering open source software in design.
Also, my business uses open-source software throughout our pipeline wherever possible (on an open-source first model). Kdenlive is my sole video editor :)!
I’m not a “filmmaker”, I make Youtube videos, does that count? Probably not…
I only started using kdenlive 3 and a half weeks ago, so most of the ±230 videos on my channel were edited in another program. My last 3 videos (from January 19th onwards) have already been edited in kdenlive, and will continue to be so in the future.