Custom Login SDDM theme

I have been trying to change the Login SDDM theme to this - windows 11 dark sddm - KDE Store

But it doesn’t seem to be working, I get a login UI as seen in the picture

I would appreciate any help regarding this, as I am completely lost on how to fix this.

File (click to download) Version Description Downloads Date Filesize DL OCS-install MD5SUM
Windows11-Sddm.tar.xz 0.2.4 25857 2023-08-14 0.97 MB

The theme is most likely not ported to plasma 6 by the creator like instructed here.

You might be able to fix it yourself, but I recommend you wait and hope the creator ports it, or use another theme that is ported.


I see, that explains why it was not working. I would have to wait then.

Here is the author’s personal page on the store:

There is a link that allows you to message them directly. Try that: Kindly ask them if they have any plans to port the theme.

Remember that theme and widget creators are not necessarily stable KDE community creators, so KDE cannot take responsibility for their work.

Edit: Don’t forget to remind them how much you enjoy their work! And point them to this post so they can get all the information they need.

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The website seems to have a broken register page and I don’t have an account there yet :disappointed: I think I’d try it after some time. Thank you for your suggestion!

Oh! If you can’t register, that is something you should report to .

Which category should the report go to? the website seems to be and when I choose the websites category, it doesn’t seem to have anything related to that website.

Hm… You’re right. It is not a KDE website. You may want to send an email to instead and explain you can’t register and also explain what you want to do.