I have a fresh installation of arch linux with archinstall. KDE with sddm & all open source graphics drivers.
When changing the global design with both checkboxes checked, layout is disappearing, desktop is turning black and fans are going wrooom. When shutting down it takes up to two minutes since “A stop job is running…” with red asterisk bouncing.
I ask for help here since I am not sure if it’s a bug - haven’t found anything yet.
Yes I can confirm that even with Plasma 6.2.91 (Beta 2) and with kernel 6.13, plasma goes black basically, while Systemsettings remains open. Seems like it tries to read from ~/.config/xsettingsd/xsettingsd.conf and plasmashell (/usr/bin/plasmashell) hangs consuming 99% CPU, that’s why your fans go wrooom.
So please do a better search next time so that we don’t waste time trying to reproduce and investigate something that has been done already. That is even more expected from Arch users.
Thanks for the quick reply. Forgive me for not finding anything about the bug myself, even though I’m a (new) Arch user. I will hopefully do better next time. Have a nice day
Yeah on the other hand it is good that this was visible again, this should be fixed for 6.3 tbh, it’s one of the things that anyone can try doing with a fresh install and it wouldn’t leave a good first impression watching a PC hang right from the go. And you can’t even do anything about if you don’t know some KDE shortcuts and commands to restart plasmashell as there is no menu, no buttons to restart or something, a new “casual” user would have to hard-reset the PC.