Dolphin alternating colours messed up

I’m not using KDE Plasma on my laptop, but I do still love Dolphin and prefer to use it. Until a couple days ago, it was working fine, but now abruptly its colours normally indicated by [Colors:View] BackgroundNormal is white. ~/.config/kdeglobals hasn’t changed, and in any case, [Colors:View] BackgroundNormal is a dark blue-grey like it’s meant to be. Tried toggling scripts within qt6ct to no avail. Changing my Kvantum theme did not resolve the issue.

On Arch, using Niri (Wayland, based on smithay)

Not sure what your colors have to do with it if you’re running dolphin in a kvantum qt override.

I had QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=Kvantum in my environment. Tried running dolphin with it like in your first screenshot just to check, and unfortunately the problem persists. I should note that it isn’t that Dolphin isn’t responding to the Kvantum theme, it’s just this one colour — the alternate background — that is resolutely white. Kate and Kmail are having no such troubles.

Does this happen with any kvantum theme?

Yes, changing the Kvantum theme changes all other colours appropriately, but that alternate background colour is always white no matter what.

And that alternate background is set to some transparency?

It should be, yes. Toggling “transparent dolphin view” within Kvantum doesn’t change anything. Dolphin looked perfectly fine for months until the 9th.

I’d say it’s a qtct prob. Have you checked all settings?

Yeah, there aren’t many settings to check. Style is kvantum, Standard dialogues are Default, Palette is Default. I’ve tried toggling different style sheets to no avail.

And kvantum dark?

I’ve tried switching the style to kvantum-dark and it didn’t make a difference. I’ve messed with all those options just to see if anything would resolve the white, and none did, it’s like that one colour is hard-coded.

Well, I’m at a loss here. Seems like some bad interaction with qt, maybe after an update or something. Maybe you’ll find something on a niri forum ( if that even exists). But, you’re not the only one facing some kind of regression with dolphin outside of kde. Icons, colors etc… For example:

Yeah, I saw someone else on Reddit who had the exact same problem as me at the exact same time. I might just have to not use Dolphin :frowning:

Well, you could try pcmanfm-qt in kvantum mode. Maybe that one doesn’t have the prob and it’s extendable with custom commands.

It would appear to be this issue: 496174 – KIconThemes colors/icons in Dolphin broke from 6.7.0 to 6.8.0 when using Kvantum