Haruna default mouse settings

I wounder who decided overnight to change the default mouse settings for Haruna?! I open the app yesterday (automatically updated) and right click brings the menu and left click is now play/pause. At first I thought I am still sleep :grinning: I know I can change it and I did but why a major change like that? right click play/pause was the reason I liked Haruna and switched to it. Open source software is just weird!

Let’s see what the author said:

YouTube and most other online video players operate this way, and those are super duper common and popular, so I think this is what people have been trained to expect from a video player nowadays.

I can’t argue with this since I had already set both of these bindings to match my experience with other players.

PS, thanks a lot Nate

This is what the Kids These Days™ expect

I read this at the exact moment of taking a drink and almost died

No arguments there, my point is that it happened all the sudden with no prior notification. It would have been nice for a pop up in the app to mention this major behavior shift.
Also in my opinion right click play/pause is better because most of the times I double click to go to full screen mode and that causes a brief play/pause action when left mouse button is configured that way. there is a reason Haruna was designed that way from the beginning.

That is a problem with

When you told your PC to update, it will have told you that there is a change to the package, and you could view the change log, and find out about what’s new, before you decide to update.

For example I can read this in Haruna’s changelog from my distro:

  • Changed left and right mouse button default actions: left click is now play/pause and right click opens the context menu. Actions can be changed in settings Mouse page

Of course, if you install updates automatically, then you forgo such an opportunity.

I can’t really help with your complaints, I am just a user who wanted to help answer your question of why it was changed.

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You must be joking right? :grinning: I’m just going to ignore the thing you said about reading every change log for hundreds of software updates… wow! :smile:

OK have fun with that

Not to mention unless it was a news item and you were using a Debian based system on the command line to update and see such notifications the apt-listchanges program that shows you that has the change log display disabled by default. It only shows the News file changes now which defeats the entire purpose of having a listchanges installed. I do not use the program but knew of the change as it was announced also on the planetkde.org.

If you feel that your distro is not providing sufficient information about changes to your system, you should definitely raise that with them.

We posted about this in the latest episode of “This Week in KDE Apps”, which we promoted on all our social media accounts and from this very forum.

The full text is available from that post. Note that you can change the behaviour back to whatever you want from the Settings.


I think the original question is answered and the discussion is getting a bit out of hand → closing.