I upgraded my Arch box today and was surprised to see that the knotes package is missing. It seems that knotes has been archived, which would mean it won’t be developed anymore. So Arch packagers dropped it. It was available in 24.05.0, no longer in 24.08.0. knotes does not build either with Arch’s last PKGBUILD.
I’ve got many such notes! Can someone advise a nice solution to recover them cleanly? Is there any other KDE note taking app?
But how do I add a Note Widget to the Desktop like I have done with Knotes?
I just have reserved a little place on my least used monitor to quick take a short note and occasionally change its contend if necessary.
Now with Marknote (but the old Knotes 24.05 still installed) I still see only the Knotes, or like it is called in German “Haftnotzen”, Widget nothing to achieve the same thing with Marknote.
You can add a ‘Sticky note’ from the many widgets available for the desktop or for a panel (not sure of the right wording, roughly translating). It survives a session logout/login.
The German “Haftnotiz” translates literary to “Sticky note” but that has the KNotes icon (and if I type “Haftnotiz” in the Startmenu only “KNotes - Haftnotizen” pops up). I did not find any other “Sticky note” Widget so far. Maybe I have to uninstall KNotes because Widget name conflicts? But with KNotes no longer available that would mean to loose that feature completely if that is not the case.
Tinkering around I managed so far to put the thing called Notebook (that contains the Marknote Notes) on the Desktop, that behaves like a drawer/directory.
Or to put a “Note.md” from said Notebook on the Desktop that behaves like a Textfile (opens in Kate). Nothing where I can directly type my Note into it and read without having to open anything like my current, presumably KNotes, “Sticky note” Widget behaves.
You should go through the process to add a widget to the desktop. A right click on the desktop ( or on the taskbar to add a widget there) should give you a menu entry to go in ‘Edit’ mode. A long list of widgets would appear, typing ‘Note’ in French selects the widget that you can drag on the desktop. It’s the standard way to place any available widget on the desktop.
Okay, I just jumped into the cold water, uninstalled KNotes (restarted everything) and the “Haftnotiz” Widget is still here. Looks like they shared the application Icon and the same Name (in German translation) only for fun and to confuse me.
Thank you for informing us users. Actually, I didn’t realise that ATNotes had disappeared from the system tray, even though I have a lot of notes with KNotes (hidden). For a couple of years now, I had to close KNotes and reopen it to show the saved notes. Otherwise, it would load no notes (despite they are there).
But no wonder it disappears. I have opened several threads about problems (like the one mentioned above) and important improvements, but they have NEVER been answered or taken into account.
I was a user of ATNotes (which still works) for Windows and one of the best things it had was the ability to send notes between users who used the application and had it open. Since I switched to Linux years ago, KNotes was the only one that supported (with difficulties) sending notes between users. But the begged-for improvements never came and the bugs were never fixed, so thanks for reporting on Marknotes.
I’ll take a look at it, although I doubt it will support note sending and I’ll have to resort to using the ATNotes program with Wine.
I’m using Zhorn Stickies on Windows and can’t find any half-decent Linux sticky notes app. KNotes crashes after launch or when trying to create a new note. There is like three or four that even launch. Is there anything that allows the notes to be shaded/folded, like this:
Or is there a way in Plasma to force an app to shade the title bar, if the app doesn’t support it natively?
I don’t want a note taking app like Marknote, I have that covered, I need a basic sticky notes app that can be shaded.
Another possibility would be stickies that can can be reliably hidden with a keystroke. I say “reliably” because XPad stickies don’t remember their screen position, they pop up all over the screen after un-hiding them and after login.
The widget added to the panel would work but it only allows to have one note (unless I’m missing something) so I’d need multiple widgets on the panel which is not ideal.
Thank you!
PS. A possible solution would be to add a panel on the top, just for the stickies and set it to auto hide. I’d still prefer floating, shaded sticky app with a visible title bar, but if that’s impossible I may be able to settle for this solution.
Problem solved. I tried Xpad but its stickies would not shade so I gave up on it even though it’s a good app otherwise. Then, today, for some other, unrelated reasons I switched from Wayland to X11 and I just discovered that now… Xpad stickies shade! It can’t be a coincidence.
Hi. I just did an upgrade and knotes was gone. This is really sad, because it totally breaks my user experience.
I have several problems with this decision:
First, there is no way for a normal user to know what happend. I had to search for it and found this thread. Imho this is not an acceptable solution. Not everyone is technically literate as I am.
Second, there is no decent replacement. Using the desktop widget isn’t feasable, because I can’t just create and hide a note easily. And where is the data even stored? Can I share it somehow? Getting to my old notes isn’t as easy as some mentioned here, because marknote doesn’t import them. Luckily I know where the files are and can extract the data, but again, I’m using KDE for over 20 years now, I know my way around.
So overall: Removing knotes breaks user experience. We should never do that if we want users to switch to and stay with KDE.
PS: Looks like I have to get the old knotes sourcecode now and build my own package. Wish me luck…
The, in the post marked as Solution, recommended replacement Marknote (see above) is not a desktop widget that can I say for sure.
Sorry if my first confusion about this topic confused you as well.
Unfortunately I can not say how much Marknote differs from the old KNotes, or how decent it is, as I ever only used the unrelated desktop widget with the same name (for me in German) to begin with.
The KNotes that I used was absolutely a sticky notes app and it was unrelated to the stickies plasmoid widget. So there are two apps that are/were called KNotes??? That’s brilliant…