Looking for requests to work on Papirus icons from KDE community

So, I’ve been contributing to Papirus icon pack lately. From what I can see here, it’s pretty popular among members of KDE community – many users posting to Share your desktop! use Papirus icons.

In short, I’m looking for suggestions from the KDE community – you can tell me what apps you’d want to be featured in Papirus icon pack is they are not in it yet, or maybe you’d like to get some of them tweaked, edited, or updated. Definitely tell if you have already opened the issue in papirus-icon-theme GitHub repo.

I’ve already done icons for Tokodon (this one is already merged to master!) and Alligator, and also I’ve updated the icon for Heroic games launcher. Icons for other KDE apps not yet featured in Papirus are on my radar, as well as a new Thunderbird icon – it has been redesigned in the last update that finally landed to Flathub a couple of days ago.

Looking forward to your suggestions!


I love Papirus because it’s already so complete. One other I can think of that needs an update is the Facebook icon. Facebook changed to a circle with a different font and different shade of blue a few years ago.

I got couple, neither of them KDE apps though.

Thank you for the work on Papirus :slight_smile:

I recently commited icons for Lagrange and Btrfs assistant! Papirus usually releases every two months, so new icons would be in the upcoming versions then. I actually recommend finding community git packages for Papirus because there are new icons added and fixed almost daily. Thanks for telling about these apps by the way. they’re cool.


Thank you for your work. If it is possible can you look into uniforming the toolbar icons in breeze.

In my opinion the first 2 icons don’t go with the bold (as in font-weight) look in the rest of the icons.
And would love a icon for

  • kalk, org.kde.kalk