Plasma 6.1 is here!

New features include a cool take on Plasma’s edit mode, keyboard LEDs that sync with accent colors, an inbuilt Remote Desktop Server that let’s you access Plasma desktops over a network, lots of bug corrections and improvements.

Note that due to unforeseen circumstances, we have been unable to ship the new wallpaper, “Reef”, with this version of Plasma. However, a new wallpaper will be coming soon in the next 6.2 version of Plasma.

If you can’t wait, you can download “Reef” from here:


Gratz to everyone for this great release and what a lovely summer wallpaper :man_surfing: :ocean: :watermelon: :parasol_on_ground: :heart_eyes: !

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My only nitpick with the wallpapers is that the line-art is a bit thick. It’s otherwise fine.

An incredible amount of fix and polish work by the community, and a “killer app” feature in the Remote Desktop server on top of it all!

I absolutely love the new edit mode. Congratz… Just one issue KRDP is broken…

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Screen sharing also broken.
I don’t have too much debug info, but:

plasma-xdg-desktop-portal-kde.service - Xdg Desktop Portal For KDE
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user/plasma-xdg-desktop-portal-kde.service; static)
     Active: active (running) since Thu 2024-06-20 09:52:59 CEST; 1min 40s ago
   Main PID: 1525 (xdg-desktop-por)
      Tasks: 14 (limit: 37949)
     Memory: 67.7M
        CPU: 2.318s
     CGroup: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/session.slice/plasma-xdg-desktop-portal-kde.service
             └─1525 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal-kde

Starting Xdg Desktop Portal For KDE...
Started Xdg Desktop Portal For KDE.
xdp-kde-settings: Key  "menuFont"  doesn't exist
xdp-kde-settings: Key  "font"  doesn't exist
xdp-kde-settings: Key  "activeFont"  doesn't exist
xdp-kde-settings: Key  "toolBarFont"  doesn't exist
xdp-kde-settings: Key  "smallestReadableFont"  doesn't exist
xdp-kde-screencast: Aborting screencast


Folks, you can’t report bugs like this.

It works fine in Arch, for example, so it may be a distro thing, packaging thing, a hardware thing, or half a dozen other things outside KDE’s control. You have to give us much more detail so we can pinpoint where your issue is.

And the place to do that is at

Please help us help you with more useful information.


Ditto as Plasma 6.1 is here! - #11 by Paul_Brown.

It is broken for you. Submit a comprehensive bug report with the details of your setup, the more detailed the better, and dev will be able to diagnose and correct the issue… Or at least point you in the correct direction.

Love the new edit mode (though I have some nitpicks, basically what Brodie Robertson said), and especially the new edge barrier effect, as I can finally have an auto-hiding panel on the edge between two screens.

One change I’m not fond of is the “end session” dialog that now only contains “shutdown” or “restart” or “log out” etc.
I don’t use Kickoff or any similar launcher at all, and instead only have one “shutdown” button in my panel that previously gave me all the options. Now that doesn’t work anymore. No big deal though, as I can use Ctrl+Alt+Del, but a way to have all options shown with a single button in the panel would be nice.

Also adaptive opacity for panels seems to be broken for me, I’ll have to investigate some more.

Overall a really nice release though!

If you are talking about this one, it does so from what I tested, maybe you don’t have the correct version for Plasma 6?


No, I was using the builtin “Lock/Logout” plasmoid. I tend to avoid third party plugins most of the time, although the one you linked sort of does what I want, thank you!

(Instead of an additional dropdown I’d like all options to be shown in the full screen confirmation thing, like when you press Ctrl+Alt+Del. Doesn’t really matter though)


If i install kde 6.1 on VPS with SSH.

How enable rdp if i just can launch shell command.

My goal is to make an KDE VPS on RDP for code my private project with any computer with rdp.


Triple buffering must be enabled or works out of the box?

cant wait for the wallpaper !!

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Yep, you are right, bug reports is a good way. I’m not enough qualified to create a meaningful report in this particular case. Nobody likes reports like “Something went wrong”. But anyway, it seems, that such bug report already exists: 488719 – Not able to screenshare, due to screensharing popup being blank.

As for me, I resolved a problem by upgrading pipewire to upstream version from pipewire-debian | Upstream Version of pipewire, wireplumber, roc-toolkit & blueman for debian/ubuntu

Perhaps it will help someone who lost the ability to share screen this week.

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Updated yesterday, SO GOOD!!!


I am happy on Plasma 6.1 on Arch. I use X11 since my experience on Wayland is not getting any better due to my GTX 1080 (reaching end-of-life) so can’t blame Plasma as much as the GPU. Otherwise solid experience. Minor bugs here n there nothing deal breaking at least for my usage.

I do not see the shake to grow cursor in settings under accessibility, I do not care for it so no biggie. Just curious what package am missing.

Great job y’all !

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Great update, but the Shake Cursor and Edge Barrier being auto enabled had me think I was going crazy!

Waiting for when this will be improved https:// discuss.kde .org/t/menu-items-not-following-cursor/16811

Hi, I am using Plasma 6.1 with Wayland on Arch with GTX 1070, latest proprietary drivers, and everything works good. Didn’t noticed any problem, except running games in wine, but I think this is because of wine’s incompatibility with Wayland.